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Aeva, SICK Expand Partnership to Include FMCW Lidar in Factory Automation

Aeva, SICK Expand Partnership to Include FMCW Lidar in Factory Automation

Aeva, SICK Expand Partnership to Include FMCW Lidar in Factory Automation

December 05, 2024
SICK, one of the leading international enterprises in sensors for industrial use, is expanding its collaboration with Aeva to include FMCW lidar technology for use in its sensors for factory automation. This advanced sensing technology promises improved performance in indoor and outdoor environments, with precision contactless measurements.

CoreVision: Aeva's Breakthrough FMCW Lidar Module

Aeva's CoreVision lidar module is a significant step forward in industrial sensing. Unlike classic lidar, which relies on pulsed lasers, FMCW lidar relies on frequency-chirped lasers. This enables it to capture both distance and velocity data, making the technology far more versatile. The CoreVision module is compact and scalable, offering a chip-based solution that is ideal for industrial automation applications where space and cost-efficiency are crucial.

Why FMCW Lidar Outperforms Conventional Lidar

FMCW lidar has several advantages over traditional time-of-flight lidar systems. One of the key benefits is that it can measure both low and high-reflectivity targets without any edge effects. It also excels in environments with changing lighting conditions, making it versatile for applications that span both indoor and outdoor operations. Besides, FMCW lidar can detect velocities with micrometer-per-second precision, thus opening up opportunities for a wide range of industrial uses.

Miniaturization of FMCW Technology: Aeva's Core Technology at Scale

Aeva's lidar-on-chip technology marks a significant step in the miniaturization of high-performance sensors. In the CoreVision module, the transmitter, detector, and optical processing elements come together in a single silicon photonics design. This reduces system complexity and removes the need for large optical fiber arrangements seen in most time-of-flight lidar systems. Further, Aeva's digital signal processing algorithms boost precision to facilitate accurate micrometer-level distance measurements over long stand-off distances.

SICK's Concept for the Future of Factory Automation

Simon Brugger, the Senior VP of R&D at SICK, pointed out the enormous potential that FMCW lidar can have for industrial applications. He added that Aeva's technology has high precision at great stand-off distances and measures velocity accurately. The partnership will enable SICK to provide sensors with unparalleled performance in many demanding industrial settings, including manufacturing automation to complex quality control processes.